Just Straight Laxin'

Anyone is more than welcome to come out and play no matter how much experience you have

Come check us out!

 - Roster

"Be proud of what you are. Be proud of the sweat you pour and the blood that you bleed. Be proud that the average person cringes at the thought of getting hit by a metal stick...or going head to head with a cannonball; but you, you sick fucks, come back for more everyday. Be proud of the fact that on the field, or off the field, we are one....we are a team. We are not your average organization, we are not a fraternity...we are one; and those who TRUELY are part of this ONE...know how great it is. Be proud and be a TRUE part of Bloomsburg Lacrosse. Saying a name or sporting off a number is one thing.... However, to be a player, and a teammate, and to demand respect is quite another. Represent our team, and ONLY our team with pride and honor. These are the things that define who we are.

Having PRIDE in what YOU have EARNED is important.

Team is respect
Team is trust
Team is pride
Team is Everything"

-Kola #1

Bloomsburg Men's Lacrosse